Hello, friends and family! I decided to create one of these so that I could let you all in on what is happening here in Austin! It has been such a blast so far, and it is so fun to see these kids learn about the Lord and grow spiritually. They eat everything up and are so eager to learn more...I wish I was more like them. Children's ministry really is one of the neatest jobs on the planet--what could be better than doing fun crafts with kids and teaching them about Jesus??? To give you a little background info, I am interning at Westover Hills Church of Christ in Austin under Adam and Denise Black. They have been active members and volunteers at Westover for a long time, but have been paid ministers for about three years now. They are SO good at what they do and are the perfect compliments to one another. Adam is the creative one...his mind is constantly rolling and thinking of cool and exciting crafts, events, skits, puppet shows, t-shirt designs...the list goes on and on. Denise keeps Adam under control and handles all of the background work...getting volunteers, preparing Kids2Praise, furiously writing down all of Adam's crazy ideas, getting curriculum ready, making sure everything is getting done...anything administrative! They are both so talented and truly have gifts from God. Denise is also the only woman on staff, so she gets extra gold stars for having to deal with goofy men all day. They are the greatest bosses I could ask for, and they embody what it means to be a minister. Love them!
I am living with the Freeman family, and they have always been like a second family to me. Chris and Cindy and my parents have known eachother since we lived in Tyler, and we travel every other year to Colorado together and see one another several times a year. It is so much fun, and I get to benefit from Cindy's glorious cooking and the pool everyday. It's more like Freeman Country Club around here!
Alright, I think that's all the background info I have. Hope you enjoy reading! Miss and love you all!
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