This is Corey, the sweet son of one of our janitors at church. Denise was able to convince Jackie (Corey's dad) to sign him up to go to VIP Camp with us this year. I don't think I've ever seen a child get so excited about everything during a camp! Corey completely soaked every part of it up! It was so much fun watching him sing, play games, and learn about the Lord. He was one of the favorite acts in the talent show because he did a really awesome dance to a Christian rap song. He was even asked to do it again for the closing ceremonies! This picture was taken on Thursday night after the evening devo. Corey came up to some of the adults and asked if he could kneel at the cross and pray for his dad, and of course they said yes. Josh saw what was going on, so he snapped this amazing picture. Corey has an amazing heart and is so eager to learn more about God. His family was affected by Hurricane Katrina, and they fled to Austin after the storm. His family is not in the best situation right now because his mom is back in New Orleans right now with his sister and refuses to come back. It is just a sad story about a mom who is being selfish and seems to not care very much about how much Corey needs her. Jackie is doing the best that he can, but he is very lonely and ends up drunk most nights. God is doing some mighty things through Corey, and He is tugging at his little heart. If you have a second, please pray for Jackie, Tracy, Corey, and LaTonya. Pray that God would reunite this family and that His love for them would be evident!
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